Stokvis Tapes Benelux B.V.
Stokvis Tapes Benelux B.V.
Van Hennaertweg 10
2952 CA Alblasserdam
31 078 699 21 00 -

Ruban adhésif pour coffrage

Ruban adhésif pour coffrage - Shuttering Tape Premium

Shuttering Tape Premium

PF512 | Shuttering Tape Premium for excellent adhesion on (more rough) surfaces. Highly flexible and proper PVC film that is moisture resistant with a very creamy adhesive layer. 

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Ruban adhésif pour coffrage - Shuttering Tapes Standard

Shuttering Tapes Standard

S5032 | Shuttering Tapes Standard for excellent adhesion on (more flat) surfaces, has a thick PVC film and is moisture resistant.

Download datasheet


Nous contacter

Van Hennaertweg 10
2952CA  Alblasserdam

Tel +31 (0)78 699 21 00 
